Authorized vs Authenticated

πŸ—“ April 29, 2024

A plea for proper 401 and 403 HTTP status code usage

Teleporting to Nowhere

πŸ—“ March 22, 2024

Teleporting to an unrendered element in Vue. A footgun worth knowing.

Merging Pull Requests

πŸ—“ February 1, 2024

A nuanced exploration on the joy of authoring and merging code.

Repeat Youself

πŸ—“ December 2, 2023

Repeat yourself. Again and again, until you hear your message echoed back to you.

Being Legible

πŸ—“ March 31, 2023

Thoughts on framing ideas and concepts so that they are digestible to others.

Blinky Tabs

πŸ—“ October 25, 2022

A lesson on Firefox's pinned tab indicator light.

Vue 3 Prop Types with Typescript

πŸ—“ October 20, 2021

Using Typescript to type Vue 3 component props.

Stateful Styles With Tailwind and Vue

πŸ—“ March 11, 2020

A quick look at some common patterns for managing state-drivens styles using Tailwind in a Vue component.

Binding CSS Variables in Vue

πŸ—“ February 9, 2020

Sometimes it's helpful to bind css variables to the style attribute of an element with Vue. Here's how it works and why you might reach for this pattern.